2000 years ago, Jesus asked a most important question to the Jews, “Who is the Christ? Whose son is he? ” Today, the answer to this question determines Heaven or Hell for every single human being. So who is the Christ? Besides passages that teach us that the Christ will crush Satan’s head, be the one through whom all nations will be blessed (as opposed to being cursed in our sin), be the Prophet like unto God, and be the son of David who will be a forever King, Jesus quoted from Psa 110 teaching that the Christ is also the lord of David! What the Jews never figured out was that Christ, though truly the son of David, will also be the Son of God! He is truly man and also truly God! And as the Son, He is Lord over all, including death. As such, the Christ will defeat death, and be raised from the dead. No wonder Jesus said that the sign of the son of man will be the sign of the prophet Jonah. No wonder Paul said that Christ will be declared the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead! Today, Romans 10:9 should then be understood in this fuller understanding of what it means to confess Jesus is lord, and how God has raised him from the dead. If you believe it, you will be saved! So check out this sermon about Jesus Christ the Son of God!
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If you have your Bible, it would be great if you could open it to Matthew chapter 22, that’s where we are, the very last passage in this chapter.
We are now entering the last few days of the life of Jesus Christ on earth. And He was like a lamb that was being inspected.
According to Jewish custom and tradition, each family, once a year will have to present a lamb, a lamb without blemish to be sacrificed. And that is a reminder to how their ancestors were spared the wrath of God, when they had to also sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood upon the doorpost. So that when the Angel of Death comes, he sees that, the blood on the doorpost, and passes over this family and spares their firstborn from death.
So ever since then, they have understood that this is a kind of picture to the coming Saviour. Jesus Christ is that Lamb of God, who will take away the sin of the world. And so like that Passover lamb, He will be inspected, He will be tested, to see if He is indeed a Saviour without blemish.
So we read therefore of some of His enemies, His opponents, who will come to interrogate Him, to test Him, to ask Him tough questions, so that perhaps they might show up some flaws in His life.
His enemies wanted to get rid of Him, they hated Him. For one, He destroyed their business in the temple, He threw out the money changers. Some of them were also envious of Him because there were great crowds that followed Him, instead of them.
And then some of them wanted to kill Jesus, because they were worried that Jesus, having drawn such a great crowd, would be seen as a revolter, as a kind of an opposition figure towards the Roman Empire. They were fearful that Rome would see Israel seemingly rise in revolt, and eliminate the whole country. So they thought, better to destroy one man than to have a whole nation taken away.
So now they have been conspiring, trying to find some excuse, some handle to find some flaw in Jesus Christ so that they may kill Him. And Jesus, of course endured all these questions.
I think of this encounter between Jesus and His opponents – the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes, the various religious sects then – I think of that encounter between Jesus and them as kind of a “kung fu” (Mandarin expression for Chinese martial arts) master. I grew up watching “kung fu” shows. I grew up watching people say, “wo rang ni san zhao” – I let you have three strokes, three free hits; if you could hit me, you win. And Jesus as it were, was like, “Alright, give me your best shot.”
The Pharisees came, the Sadducees came, the scribes came, and they could not touch Him. He answered their questions immaculately, repelling all their offenses. But like a good “kung fu” master, after “wo rang ni san zhao”, now he – wah, you see got wind ah – show power, and wah, give Him one stroke, give them one question, and they would fall.
So this is the kind of encounter we are seeing. He’s now turning the tables around unto them, and He’s going to find a question, give a question that will show up their ignorance, and then later on, show up their hypocrisy.
So this is the story. “While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question. ‘What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?’” (Matthew 22:41-42) He asked a very important question. I love this, because Jesus was not just being difficult, you know. He was not just trying to find some “ulu” (colloquial expression for far-flung, remote) question, some esoteric thing that nobody thinks about. He gives a very important question.
I think there is no question more important than this question: “What do you think about the Christ?”
The Jews have always thought about the Christ. They’ve always been expecting and anticipating this coming Messiah, this coming Saviour. So He asks, “What do you think about this Christ, promised for a long time in the Bible, promised and waited upon by the entire nation of Israel for thousands of years? What do you think about this Christ? Whose son is He?”
And they gave this answer. they said to Him, “The son of David.” Let me ask you – is this the right answer, or the wrong answer?
This is a? Ah, you must be sure, you must tell me the answer. This is the most important question! I really think so. Sometimes we think the most important question is – Who is my husband? Who will be my wife? No, the most important question is – Who is the Christ?
So, whose son is He? They said the son of David. The answer is? The answer is right. Spot on right. He was not giving a trick question, and they were giving a biblical answer.
They knew the promise given to David in 2 Samuel chapter 7. God said to David – you remember the story – God, David wanted to build a temple. God said, “No, instead of you building a temple for me, I will give you a son. I will give you a descendant, I’ll give you a offspring”.
“When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers” – David, when you die – “I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body and I will establish his kingdom.” (2 Samuel 7:12-14)
Now, you say, “There’s nothing special about this promise that one of his descendants will be king. Because he did have descendants who are kings.” But this is special and the Jews knew it, because this offspring will not just inherit a kingdom, He will have a kingdom forever. (2 Samuel 7:12-14) He will be an everlasting King, He will be a forever King.
So the Jews knew that this Messiah, this Saviour will be a king, and not just an ordinary king, but He will have an everlasting kingdom.
So who is the Christ? Whose son is He? The son of David. God said to David, “You’ll have a son like that.”
Now, this then adds on to the understanding of the Messiah, the Saviour, because according to Moses – and I’m sure the Jews all read Moses – they knew that this Saviour was promised right in the beginning.
After Adam and Eve sinned against God, God almost immediately promises them there will be a Saviour. I know Satan has ruined things, I know Satan has tempted Adam and Eve into sin. I know man is now captive to Satan, we are slaves to sin, we’re slaves to Satan. But don’t you worry, I’ve promised a Saviour who will come. He will come from the seed of the woman, He will be one of the descendants of Eve. And He will bruise or crush the serpent’s head. He will crush the devil.
So they all wait for this coming Saviour, the Messiah, who will be the only One who will defeat Satan. Not only that, they had the promise given to Abraham. So God, later on, hundreds of years later, said to Abraham, “Abraham, in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 22:18)
So this Messiah will be tremendous, this Messiah will be so important because all nations can be blessed through his offspring, the descendants of Abraham. The whole world is cursed because of sin, but the whole world can be blessed because of the offspring given to Abraham.
And then later on, God also said to Moses, “The Lord Your God will raise up for you a prophet like me” – special Prophet, an infallible Prophet, a prophet who teaches truth, the whole truth – “from among you”. (Deuteronomy 18:15)
And so, when God then says to David, “You have an offspring, you have a son, and He will be a king, an everlasting King”, they now have better idea, and we today have a better idea, of who this Messiah is.
So let’s put it in summary – Who is the Christ? This is such an important question. Who is the Christ? Who is the anointed One, who is the chosen One? Who is the Messiah?
Well, you can say a few things from what we have just looked at. He is the promised Saviour, Prophet, King. These are what God said, scattered throughout the Old Testament.
Not only that, He is the One through whom all nations will be blessed. See, we are learning about this most important figure in human history.
And then we learned that He will have an everlasting Kingdom. When He reigns, His Kingdom will never end. No one will be able to oppose Him, no one will be able to take Him down, He will rule forevermore.
We can also say that this Christ is the son or descendant of Abraham. He’s the offspring of Abraham. And it is also true that He will be the son or descendant of David. So when Jesus asked, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is He?”, and they answered, “The son of David”, they were absolutely, right. Now today, for now, you can say with conviction.
That’s not the hard question. Jesus’ question is in two parts. First question, they answer well. Second part is where they all struggle.
Jesus then followed up: “How is it then” – okay, by the way, let your mind settle first. You get who the Christ is already? You take a breath. Okay, now that this truth is settled, then we go to the follow up, otherwise you blur (colloquial expression for someone who is confused or slow in understanding) later on.
Now that’s it’s settled, let’s go to the follow up question – How is it then that David, in the Spirit calls Him “Lord”? So Jesus is saying, David calls this Christ, “Lord”. The difficulty here is David is the ancestor – correct? – of this offspring. It is weird that the father would call the offspring “Lord”.
Now you say: When did David call the offspring, “Lord”? I mean, Jesus is born many, many years later, after David had already died. So when did David call Him “Lord”? David called Him “Lord” in Psalm 110.
So Jesus quoted from Psalm 110. By the way, Psalm 110 is the most commonly referred to Psalm in the Bible, that’s a remarkable fact. So Psalm 110, it is written, “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet’”. (Psalm 110:1). So this is a quote from Psalm 110 and verse one.
I know immediately, when you read this verse, you say, “Huh, simi lai eh? [Colloqiual expression for “What is this?”] What do you mean by “The Lord said to my Lord”? An zhua kaki kah kaki kong? [Colloquial expression for “Why are you talking to yourself?”] How do you talk to yourself? “The Lord said to my Lord” – I mean, doesn’t make sense.
But hey, it doesn’t make sense to us in English, but it makes perfect sense in the original Hebrew language. Because the words used, the difficulties is the word “Lord” and “Lord” seem to be the same. Right?
But in Hebrew it is not the same. It is the Yehovah or, that, is Yehovah, Jehovah, that’s the name given to God in the Old Testament, one of His names. Jehovah said to My Adon. The word “Adon” means Lord or Master, so it’s a simple word there. So it really should read “Jehovah said to my Lord”. So simply saying: “The God of the Bible, the God of the Old Testament, the God who gave His Name as Jehovah, said to my Master, my Lord.”
So it will be appropriate for us to say, this Psalm of David records David professing that this Messiah, this Christ, is my Lord. So that’s why Jesus asked, how is it then, that David in the Spirit calls the Messiah “Lord”? He’s the father. It’s very weird for a father to call his son, “Master”. None of you would do this, right?
I mean, it would be weird if this morning Matthias come out and I say, “Matthias Lord”. He will be so happy and you will be so bewildered. Since when does a father call his son “Lord”? Not in the Chinese culture, and not in the Hebrew Jewish culture. The greater is the older, the father is always greater.
And you say, maybe David made a mistake. He “blur” lah, old man, don’t know how to write lah. He, he just anyhow, write. No, no, it’s not anyhow write, very specific that Jesus is saying, “David, in the Spirit, calls Him Lord”. (Matthew 22:43)
By the way, this is a great verse that proves that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. So David wrote Psalm 110 in the Spirit, he was led of the Spirit, these are the words of God. And so there was no mistake. David did call the Messiah “Lord”, even though it is his son or descendant.
So now, “no one was able to answer him a word” – they couldn’t answer that question – “nor from that day did anyone dare to ask him any more questions”. (Matthew 22:46) You know, like I said, “wo rang ni san zhao” – give it your best shot, guys. They could not hurt Him. And one (Pastor makes movements showing a “kung fu” move), they all fall away, and they did not dare to come back, ask Him any more questions. The Lamb is indeed a Lamb without blemish.
But the question remains – how is the son of David, also the Lord of David? That’s the question right? How is the son of David, also the Lord of David? They could not answer this question.
But today you can, because they lived at a time before a lot of things happened and before a lot of things are written. Today, we live in a privileged era where a lot of things has already happened, and a lot more of the Bible teaching is given.
So what’s your answer? How is the son of David, also the Lord of David? Because He is also the Son of God.
The Jews didn’t quite expect that, you know. They were expecting maybe some heroic king or prophet, an ordinary man. But it never really entered their minds that the Messiah, the Christ, would be God, the Son of God, Himself.
And that is what John tried to establish right from the start of his gospel. He said in John: “And the Word became flesh”. (John 1:14) You say: what is the “Word”? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
So the “Word” here is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is given the title or the name “Word”, because words reveal something, and He reveals the Father. So Jesus Christ is the Word. Christ, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
So the revelation of the New Testament is that they now realize the Messiah is the Son of God, dwelling in human flesh; that this Christ is not only truly human, but He is also truly God. The unique dual nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, no one else is like Him. He is truly man, He’s also truly God.
So, Paul later on would say: “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:7) So this plan of God, sending His Son to be born as God-man, is, I think, something the world never really figured out. They never really knew, they never really anticipated, nor expected.
So, in verse eight: “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:8) I mean, Man just did not know the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its entirety. They couldn’t figure it out.
And it’s only because today we see, we know, we read in the Bible that Christ is already crucified on the cross, risen again, that we could say, “Ah, it’s so simple!” But actually, before the cross, it’s not so simple; it’s hidden. We would never have figured out. If they had figured it out, they would not have killed the Lord Jesus Christ.
So the point that Jesus is making is: How is the son of David, also the Lord of David? He’s establishing His divinity. He’s saying that Christ is also the Son of God, you see.
And that is the point. He’s that unique God-man. And He has always, from the beginning, been establishing, “I and the Father are One”. They could not understand. They thought God would have just sent another human being, or maybe an angel, but they would never have expected God to send His own Son.
So based on this passage and Psalm 110, we learn a few things.
One, we learned that Jesus is Lord. He is the Lord of David, He is the Lord of all earth. Psalm 110, says, “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet”. (Matthew 22:44) “Lord” means Master, means in command, means King, means sovereign, means He beats everything, conquers everything.
And that’s what Psalm 110 say – Jehovah said to my Master, said to this Christ, said to Jesus, “Sit at My right hand until I put your enemies under Your feet.” All enemies will be conquered. Make all your enemies your footstool.
You know what’s a footstool? Sometimes your chair a bit high, not so comfortable, you want something to prop your leg up, and you use the neck of your enemies as a footstool. It shows how entirely victorious you are.
So the Messiah will be entirely victorious. You say victorious over what? The Jews have always expected the Messiah to be victorious over Rome, deliver them from the Roman Empire. But is that the ultimate enemy?
Paul later on said, “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:25) What enemy is the ultimate enemy? Caesar? Rome? Soldiers? What is the ultimate enemy? Sin. What else? Satan. What else? Death. Because Paul said, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26)
How do you know if anyone is the Messiah? Let me tell you something – He must be victorious over death. That’s why Jesus, before He went to the cross, even before this encounter, had already said: “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in a belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:39-40)
You know the story. Jonah was eaten up, swallowed by the great fish, was there three days, three nights before he emerged. A kind of picture of how the Messiah the Christ, the Son of Man, would die. And three days later, rise from the dead. And this dying and rising is the ultimate sign that you know He is the Messiah.
The Messiah must rise from the dead. That is why Peter, on the day of Pentecost – the day when the Holy Spirit came down in great power, the day when the whole of Israel, all the men of Israel would gather in Jerusalem – Peter would stand up and preach. And when he preached, the central message of Peter’s preaching – you say, “What is it?” It’s about Jesus. And Peter said, “This Jesus God raised up”. (Acts 2:32) And that became the central message of the entire book of Acts.
Do you realize that Acts, the book of Acts, when you read the preaching of the apostles, of the disciples of Jesus, it was not so much about the death of Jesus, but it’s about the? It’s not so much about the death of Jesus, but about the resurrection of Jesus. It’s over and over again, they are testifying, Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen. Why? That’s the ultimate sign Jesus is the Messiah.
And you have all seen it, you’re all witnesses. And now Peter quotes from? Tolong (colloquial expression used when pleading with someone), please. He quotes from? Psalm 110. Next time you read Acts 2 remember Psalm 110, the most commonly referred to Psalm in the New Testament.
Peter preached from Psalm 110 saying, “David… says, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”’” (Acts 2:34-35) What enemy? Death. Even death is conquered by Jesus. Therefore, “let all the house of Israel … know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ”. (Acts 22:36)
You see, Peter was listening to Jesus well. When Jesus was asking this question to the Pharisees, he learned the answer. And so, on the day of Pentecost, he stood up, empowered by the Spirit, he preached: “Psalm 110 is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, because He died and rose again from the dead. You are all witnesses, so let all the house of Israel know for certain, Jesus is Lord in Christ.”
Therefore, you read that the people who heard this were cut to their hearts, they could not deny it anymore. He is the Christ because He rose from the dead. And therefore 3000 people were saved that day. Because everything fitted together now. Oh, He’s not a lousy loser hanging on the cross. He’s the One who died and through death, conquered death, and proved himself, the Messiah.
So Jesus had to die, not only to atone for your sins, but also that He may, through death, conquer death, and prove himself to be the Christ. And that’s how the entire Bible really ties in so beautifully, don’t you think? And so Paul said, regarding “his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh”. (Romans 1:3) So He’s truly human, He is the son of David, according to the flesh. Hey, but don’t forget the other part – He is “declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by His resurrection from the dead”. (Romans 1:4)
How do you know Jesus is truly God, the Son of God? By His resurrection from the dead. Because Psalm 110 say, God will make all His enemies His footstool, the last enemy is death – it’s how you know.
So this motif, this idea of Jesus being raised and ascended in a victory poise and posture is found throughout the Bible. Ephesians 1, for example, God had raised Jesus “from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.” Everlasting kingdom, you see. “And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church”. (Ephesians 1:20-22) This is the Christ.
And Hebrews 1 says: “After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high”. (Hebrews 1:3) We read that “when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his death (sic feet)”. (Hebrews 10:12-13) So there will come a day where all death will end. There will be the death of death. There’ll be no more death, no more tears, no more sorrow, no more sin, no more alienation from God, because all enemies will be made a footstool. Jesus is Lord.
And if you follow Jesus today, you will never be the loser. I tell you the end, I’m – you know, you watch movies today, you hate people telling you the spoiler. But the spoiler of the history of humanity is Jesus wins. He always wins. Jesus is Lord.
But just one more thought as I read this passage, and it’s very simple. God is love.
You see, God could have chosen to send a man. I mean, He could if He wanted to, He could have just sent an angel to save people from their sins. He didn’t need to do this, but He did this. He gave His Son. He gave His Son – to die for your sins.
And so the Gospel, this Good News of how God is going to save (sic send) a Messiah to crush Satan’s head, this prophet like unto Him, this King who will have an everlasting Kingdom, is a message that rings of love because God chose to give His Son to die, to be born into this world, to be born in, into this sinful, messed up world, to die and to give Himself for us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”. (John 3:16)
This is the love of God. He gave His only Son.
I don’t think the people in those days understood what Jesus was saying in Matthew chapter 22. At that point of time, they didn’t know the answer, and they couldn’t figure this out.
But I think after he died, and after He rose again, and after Peter preached this, the people would have remembered Psalm 110, and thought to themselves, “This is amazing, that God would give His Son that He might die for us. This is amazing love.”
I would come to the realization, I hope you do even today, that God did not choose to give an animal, a man, an angel – He gave His Son to save you from your sins. So for “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8)
What’s the big deal about the Christ dying for us? The big deal is that He is the Son of God. That’s why God shows His love toward us.
“In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for their (sic our) sins” (1 John 4:10). Now I know when you read this verse, the, the word that stands out is the word “propitiation”. To be fair, I’ve never read of this word for my whole life until I read the Bible.
So in primary school, secondary school, JC, uni, never read this word before, didn’t know what it meant. Got to search it out. And the word “propitiation” – big word, very hard to pronounce some more. Some people “pro-pi-tee-ation”, no, no, no propitiation, alright.
It really simply means the appeasement. So when someone is angry, you want to appease him or her, I’m sure husbands and wives, you know what this means.
So the appeasement, because when we sinned against God, God is holy and His holy wrath is against us. But Jesus Christ died, that He might appease the holy wrath of God. So this is the love of God, that He sent His Son to appease His righteous and holy wrath.
So the summary – my son, Shawn, say you must always give summary. He tells me, “When you don’t give summary, people don’t understand”. Okay, I listen to him, alright.
So Christ is the son of David and the Son of God, let’s get that clear. Therefore, because He is the Son of God, Jesus is Lord. And that is proven in the way he defeated death. He rose from the dead, and those who follow Him will also rise from the dead one day.
We also see that God is love, because He gave His Son to be the Messiah, He chose no one else, but His own Son to suffer, to die, and to have victory.
Therefore, when you know this, it brings new light to a verse like Romans chapter 10, verse 9. This is probably one of the commonly used verses in evangelism, when we want to share the Gospel, right? We tell people that “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
It’s a great verse, wonderful promise, wonderful teaching. But the problem with us is sometimes we forget that this actually requires a, a load of background knowledge like what we have studied today.
It is not simply telling your friend, “Eh, if you just say Jesus is Lord, you will be saved.” And that’s how we do evangelism, right? We tell them the Gospel and say, “Eh, John, you just say Jesus is Lord, you’ll be saved.” He says, “Huh, so easy ah?” “Yah what, you see? ‘If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, you’ll be saved.’ (Romans 10:9) So, John, just say, Jesus is Lord.” So the man say, “God, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord – I’m saved.”
Now, not quite like that. You, you got to understand this on the background of all that Paul is writing in Romans. You got to understand in the context of the entire Bible. It is not complicated, let’s get that clear, but it is not simplistic.
It is not simply a mouthing of words. It is an understanding and a believing in your heart, that the Messiah, the Saviour promised from Genesis all the way to the time Jesus came, is fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. And this Messiah is Lord, because He is the Son of God. The Son of God has come to be the Saviour for all humanity. Through Him, all nations will be blessed. And this Son of God and this Messiah is proven by His resurrection from the dead.
So if you believe Jesus is the One, you will be saved. That’s what it really means. So use this verse appropriately.
And I say to you today, you have sat through with me for half an hour, 40 minutes, thankful for that, I know this is a technical sermon. Some of you probably in dream land somewhere along the way, but hey, come back.
And I say to you – if you believe Jesus is that Christ – He’s the One promised of old, He is the Son of God born in human flesh to die for your sins, He’s not a failure, He’s not a loser because three days later, He rose from the dead and hundreds of people witnessed His resurrection – you believe Him, you will be saved. You’ll be saved from your sins, you’ll defeat death, you will inherit eternal life.
I also say to some of us, Christians – you are already a Christian, you are, you are a follower, you’re a believer of Jesus, but you live today in some kind of sin and you’re feeling guilty. And you wonder if you will still be God’s child. You wonder if God still loves you?
Let’s look at this passage. “Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died – more than that, who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us”. (Romans 8:34) Jesus rose from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Father.
He’s not there “cho boh-ing” ah (colloquial expression used on someone who is relaxing and doing nothing). Sometimes we think, “Wah, sit there kiaw kah” (colloquial expression for someone who is lazing). Nope, He is there – what is He doing? Interceding.
What is interceding? Not intercepting you, but – interceding means He’s praying for you. He’s applying His finished work for you, before the throne of God, even as we sin in our lives.
Now, this is no encouragement for you to keep on sinning, but this is tremendous understanding that we stand today because of the Gospel, the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Hey, our Saviour is risen from the dead. We can trust Him today. We can have our assurance in Him today. And would you serve Him today? He is Lord, would you give Him your lives?
Let’s bow for a word of prayer together.
Once again, I want to thank you for listening so well, I knew this is going to be a difficult technical sermon. But I don’t think there is a more important question to life than this question we are looking at in our last sermon of 2019.
Who is the Christ? Whose son is He?
There is no question, He is the son of David. But maybe unknown to some of you today, He is the Son of God as well. It is amazing love to think that God would give His Son, a ransom for many.
It is amazing to think that God will let His Son suffer, in a sense, hell for you, that you might be spared His wrath. It is amazing to think of His love, to make Him, Jesus, who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. If Jesus is Lord and God is love, would you today, repent of your sin and believe in Jesus Christ.
The Bible does promise that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Saved from your sins, washed of your guilt, cleansed of your unrighteousness, given life, eternal life with God – if you will believe Jesus is the Christ.
Today you can be saved. Would you heed the call of the Gospel to repent and believe?
My brothers and sisters in Christ, I speak now to you. Are you living in fear, in guilt, in shame? Remember before the throne of God, you have a strong and perfect plea. Our Great High Priest, whose Name is love, is there to plead for me.
Jesus is now at your right hand of God. Yes, we sin. Yes, we have disappointed God. Yes, we are an unclean people. But look not to yourself, but look to Christ. Look to what He has accomplished, and look and believe, He’s now applying His glorious finished work for you, before the throne of God above.
My friends, if Jesus gave His life for you, would you give your life to Him? He is Lord. Let’s live in a way befitting of His Lordship.
So Father, thank You for this morning that we can hear Your Word. I thank You for Your people and I pray that the Word of God will not just be understood today, but it will be believed upon today.
So grant to Your people here repentance and faith, encourage each heart. May they walk in confidence in the Gospel, and may men and women bow before Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, we pray all this in Jesus Name. Amen.
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