Not Legalism. Not Licentiousness. But Love. That is the way of freedom.
Spiritual freedom is to do what God wants- to serve one another in love.
This is the way of Jesus, who emptied Himself and became a servant.
His people are thus also to deny themselves so that we can serve others.
That is the truest form of Christian living- and the path to the greatest happiness.
It is in this giving and serving that we truly fulfill the Law.
And it is in this giving and serving that we actually love our own selves the most.
Find out what all this means from the sermon here.
May we not just talking about serving, but may we be a serving church!
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We are continuing our journey through the book of Galatians, a fresh new look in our slides and in the trailer. We’re nearing the end of this series in Galatians, it’s about six or seven sermons to go and today we look at verses 13 to 15, just three verses and it’s all about how we are freed to love and serve.
I’m sure many of you would have heard about the pendulum or know about the pendulum, which is about a ball hanging by a string and how when you swing it to one end, it would swing back to the other and so forth. The law of the pendulum states that the movement in one direction causes an equal movement in the opposite direction. But I think this is true not just for the ball and string, but also for the human behaviours.
For example, some of us, we starve so that we lose weight. So we don’t eat, we starve ourselves, but very soon because you’re so hungry, you tend to swing to the other extreme and you go into binge eating. You eat a lot and you eat all kinds of junk food.
Some of us, we may be a workaholic, but the opposite extreme is after a while you become negligent in your work. Or some may be reckless in decision making because you don’t want to think a lot, but once you get burned in a bad decision making process, you then become overly cautious and become indecisive. We swing from one end to the other.
Some of you may be very trusting in character, but when you trusted the wrong person and got burned, you now become skeptical and you find it very hard to trust anybody after that. You swing from one extreme to another.
Or there is someone you love today, but that person you love kind of wronged you, offended you and now instead of loving the person, you really hate the person. Very extreme. Some of you may be activists in some realms, but again, something went off, went wrong and you become antagonistic towards that cause.
This human behavior is not restricted just to the physical, material realm. I think this pendulum behavior is true even for the Christian. It’s true even for the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul in the book of Galatians has been arguing against legalism. I know some of you are new, so let me just repeat again. Legalism is trying to obey the law in your own strength to gain justification. That is to say, to find a favorable position before God. So legalism is simply saying, I need to do better. I need to do more, sin less, do more charity, obey the law, so that perhaps God will like me, God will accept me.
And Paul has been saying, no, legalism is wrong. Because legalism at the heart of it all is pride, it’s self-righteousness. It’s not what God accepts. Instead, the Bible tells us the only way you and I can be accepted is through the Good News of Jesus Christ. How God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. He gave Himself up on the cross. He became cursed for us on the cross, so that you and I may be freed from the curse of the law and freed from the curse of sin. In other words, Jesus gave us freedom from sin and from the law.
So Paul says, you were called to freedom. Jesus paid it all. So why would you be unbelieving and go and depend on your circumcision or the observances of festivals or the keeping of the law to be saved? You are not saved by these works, Jesus saves you. So stand in that freedom, for you are called to freedom.
Now, a person who understands that will say, alright, huh, I’m not under the law. And now the tendency is to switch to the other extreme because he might say to himself, I’m no more under the law, that means I am freed to live a lawless life. We call that licentiousness.
Licentiousness is that mindset that says, since Jesus died for me, since Jesus paid for my sins, I can live in whatever way I want. I can live in all kinds of sin and God will still forgive me. Now Paul says, don’t swing from legalism to licentiousness by saying, do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh.
The word opportunity has military roots. It speaks of an operational base. You know when you want to attack another country, you’ve got to find a place where you can settle your troops first. Then from that place, from that base, you can launch further attacks. So Paul says, don’t let your freedom in Christ be the base, the pretext, or the excuse from which you satisfy the lusts of the flesh. You’re called to be free. Jesus paid it all, but don’t use it as an excuse to live a lawless life.
Instead, he says, through love, serve one another. In other words, the pendulum should not be swinging, but it should come to this equilibrium of love. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to save us from our sins, not so that we can live a sinful life, but that we can live a servant’s life, so that we may love and serve one another.
You see, when you were living in legalism, you cannot serve others. Why? Because you’re busy trying to save yourself. Everything you do, the good works, the charity, why do you do all that? Because you’re trying to save yourself. That’s legalism. You were never really serving others for others, you are serving others for yourself. So you were never really free.
And let’s say you live a life of licentiousness, you are also not serving others because you are busy satisfying your own desires, your own flesh.
So in these two extreme positions, you are actually empty. You don’t have anything to serve others with. You are busy grabbing for yourself, you see. But when you understand the Gospel, when you understand Jesus came to free you from sin and from the curse of the law, and when you understand that the Holy Spirit of Christ lives in you and He bears forth the fruit of love, joy, peace, and so on, you are full and out of that fullness, out of that overflow, you can begin to serve others.
Now I know this is still confusing, not so clear, abstract for you, so let me do a simple illustration by means of asking for two volunteers. Come, Isaac and Jun Yi, please come forward. Wah, we have two sporting, wonderful brethren here. Alright, so very simple, each of you is given a cup. Alright, so now, this is what Isaac’s role is supposed to be. He’s supposed to be, can you all read? Thirsty. So what is Jun Yi, his good friend or brother in Christ, supposed to do? He can’t give because he has nothing, he has no water.
So what should Jun Yi do? Go get water. Where can he go to get water? Ah, someone wants to give water. How you know the water clean? But the point is, you can take of all kinds of sources, but you do not know if it really is the right one. He should have asked me because I have clean water, fresh bottle. So he should have asked me, right?
So let me give him some water. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He wants to drink it himself, can or not? Hah, should not. Because this water is given to him so that he can give, but he’s so selfish. He take the water and drink himself. He should give. So now you can give, Isaac. And Isaac, you can. Don’t worry lah, I never take from toilet lah, fresh one ah. Okay, let’s give them a round of applause. Thank you very much, guys. Thank you.
Now, I hope you see the illustration. Jun Yi is supposed to serve and to give Isaac, but he can’t because he was initially empty. He doesn’t have enough to give. He doesn’t have anything to give. And he now seeks to fill the emptiness by going to the toilet and taking from uncertain sources. That is a picture of… Wah, the illustration not so good ah. That is a picture of legalism. Trying to get what you do not have on your own, but it doesn’t work.
Now that he has received the blessings from the giver, what is he tempted to do? He’s tempted to drink himself. And that is a picture of licentiousness. Using that for his own sake. But the reason or the real approach, the right approach is not to use it for himself, but to give to others. And that is to love and to serve. Out of that filling from God, he is to serve others.
I think that’s what Galatians 5:13 is about. God has given to you His Son and He has given to you His Spirit. Don’t use that freedom in Christ. Don’t use that life in the Spirit to be an excuse to feed your own lusts. But use that freedom to serve one another in love.
Now this is very congruent with the rest of Biblical teaching. You see the Christian is not just someone who comes to church, not just someone who wears a cross, but a Christian at the end of the day is a disciple of Jesus, a follower of Jesus. That’s what Christianity is all about. Following Jesus. And what did Jesus do? Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. His whole life, life was one of self-giving. He gave Himself for others. As He would say also, here I am among you as One who serves. So Jesus was in constant self-denial to the point of dying on the cross in order to serve you and I, to serve the people of the world.
So when we are called to be Christians, followers of Jesus, it makes sense that Jesus said whoever wishes to come after Me must deny himself, take up his cross, die to himself in order to follow Me. And what it means I think coming back to Galatians 5:13 is that Jesus freed us so that we may now give ourselves up to slave for others. That’s what Christianity is all about.
So you are called to freedom, brothers. You don’t have to earn your salvation. You can’t anyway. But Jesus redeemed you from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for you on the cross. And there on the cross, He paid it all and you have that freedom from sin. Only now do not use that freedom to be an operational base to serve your lust. Don’t make it an excuse to live in sinfulness saying God will forgive me anyway. But instead, use that freedom to serve one another.
That’s what the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus is supposed to bring about in our lives. The fruit is that we would serve one another. I want to make particular emphasis on one another. One another here refers to the people in the church, brothers and sisters in Christ. I don’t think Paul is saying, O, you only serve people in church, ignore everyone outside church. I don’t think that’s the point because later on in Galatians 6, Paul would say we are to do good to everyone but especially to those who are of the household of faith.
So he’s making particular emphasis that now that we are called to follow Jesus, we are in particular to love one another. Now why? Well I think one of the reasons why is at this point of time in Galatia, the church is then being ravaged by divisions and fights and schisms.
I kind of see that in verse 15 which is two verses down. If you bite and devour one another, watch out that you’re not consumed by one another. So what’s happening in the church is that they are biting and devouring one another. They’re tearing one another apart with their words and with their lives. They’re devouring one another, maybe slandering one another, accusing one another.
And Paul says be careful because you’re going to destroy the church that way. And they are living in such a way perhaps because they have kind of believed the false teachers who are perpetuating legalism and they’re not living life in the Spirit. They’re not living life by faith and that’s what’s happening to the church and I think that’s why Paul says be careful not to fight with one another but to love one another and to serve one another.
Now when we think about loving and serving one another in the church, we think it’s very easy. Why? Because church people all very nice. All look like that one. Happy, happy, very cool, very chill. Church, easy to love lah. Nice people what, not like my friends outside. Not, not, not, not like my colleagues outside. So church, very easy. That’s how people think.
However, I think reality is not so, isn’t it? For example, this morning when you came to church, you would see some unhappy people already. Some buay song faces. Maybe you yourself are buay song because people squeeze into the lift and they step on your toes. People are not very nice. Or maybe you have encountered already some unhappy incidents downstairs at the car park. I know our car park situation very jialat one. Many people want to come in, don’t want to park the HDB block nearby.
Actually by the way, not just block 128, opposite us also have lah. So if you’ve got a gantry problem like two weeks ago, you can go another place. There are plenty of parking lots lah. But I know in the car park, things get heated up and people can turn ugly. Christians are not perfect. Christians are saints or are sinners saved by grace. Christians should wear this sign under construction. Still quite ugly. We know the eventual picture very beautiful. But from now to then, a long way to go.
So we are not all going to be very nice. I think that’s why the Bible says, be completely humble and gentle. Be patient, bearing with one another. I read this in Hokkien, le ai ta han…. you know tahan, bear with one another. Christians need to bear with one another. Why? Because we are not very nice.
Now, I’d like you to do something besides the demo. You can do it yourself. Can you turn to the person beside you and say, hi my name is so-and-so. Okay, now that you’ve got to know one another, thank you very much for doing that. Now that you’ve got, you’ve known one another, I’d like you to say, hi my name is so-and-so and I’m not very nice. And I’d like you to now say, hi I’m so-and-so, I’m not very nice but you need to serve me. Thanks for helping and participating.
All I’ve asked you to say is true. I didn’t ask you to lie. My name is so-and-so, my name is Jason and I’m not very nice. Not at all. But I need you to serve me. That’s a fact. And it is the same. My name is so- and-so and you are not very nice. But I need to serve you. That is true. We are all under construction.
And so when Paul says serve one another, it’s not an easy thing to do. But it’s a necessary thing to do. It’s God’s command. And we have confidence in God that we can do it in Christ because His Spirit lives within us to bear forth the fruit of the Spirit. And we’ll learn more about that next week.
But I’d like to make particular mention and emphasis on a particular aspect of church. And that is online church. Since COVID, online service is super popular. People say, hey, I did it during COVID. I can do it now. And they all say, I can go to worship God. I can worship God at home. Why not?
It’s so much more convenient. And even if I worship God at home, I’m still a Christian what. Why do I need to come to church? So they say to themselves, Christ has set me free. I (sic don’t) come to church, I won’t lose my salvation, I’m still God’s child. Christ has set me free and I really feel free at home leh. Very free because I don’t have to wake up early to come to church. I don’t have to comb my hair, do my makeup, drive and then face that stupid car park here. I feel so free, I can eat my potato chips, stay in my pajamas and I still hallelujah, worship God. What’s wrong with that? I’m free what.
But let me say something about freedom. We gave, we, I shared with you a definition from the dictionary about freedom. Freedom, a noun, is the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. I want to play computer every day. No one wants to bug me. That’s freedom.
But spiritually speaking, Biblically speaking, freedom is the power or right to act, speak or think as God wants. Why? Why is it real freedom to do what God wants and not what I want? Because God is our Maker and He knows what is best for us.
I quote to you Keller again. Tim Keller, he says, because a fish absorbs oxygen from water and not air, it is free only if it is restricted to water. If a fish is freed from the river and put out on the grass to explore, its freedom to move and soon live is destroyed. So real freedom is finding the right restrictions.
So this is the irony. This is the paradox. You thought freedom is doing what you like in your flesh. But real freedom is finding the right restrictions God has set. And I think what God has set is that real joy and freedom in, and, meaning and purpose is found in serving others as Christ fills our life.
As Paul would say, we are God’s workmanship. We are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus for what? To do good works. That’s what you are designed for. That’s what you’re made for. That’s what you are saved for. Do you know that even for people who do not know Jesus, people ultimately find a kind of joy and satisfaction in serving. They can get very rich but they find life meaningless. They can be very famous but they find life empty. But they kind of find joy and fulfillment in serving the poor, the disadvantaged. They, there’s this instinct in us because we’re made in the image of God nonetheless.
But especially for the Christian, now that Christ lives in you, the Spirit lives in you, you cannot be really happy until you are full of good works, because Christ lives in you. That’s what you are made for. That’s what real freedom will look like. Not at home, kiau ka. Real freedom is serving God today.
So some of you may feel like, I’m at home, I’m very free. No, I tell you, you’re not the ones who are free. I tell you who are the ones who are free. Those who came at 5am this morning to chop vegetables. They are really free. I’m not saying very eng ah. They’ll come at 5am. But they are the ones who enjoy the satisfaction and freedom, that peace and fulfillment in serving God.
I tell you who are the ones who are free. The ones who are facing our little children, the rascals up there, aaah. But, but they are still serving with joy. The ones who are free are the ones who you meet at downstairs car park. Facing all kinds of drivers who say, why cannot park here, why cannot go there? But they still serve. They have freedom. They’re really doing God’s will. It’s not easy, let me say this. It’s not easy. It may be very frustrating. It may be very embarrassing. It may be very kek sim as they face all these pains. But I know they know. It’s the right thing to do. And it’s the best thing to do.
Because as Piper said, to be fully free, we must have the desire, ability and opportunity to do what will make us happy forever. That is the key. You sleep at home, don’t serve people, just want to be by yourself. You are free for that period of time. You are happy for that period of time. But I tell you, when you go into that forever, you will not be happy then. You won’t.
As Piper would say, freedom is to do what you want to do and have no regrets in a thousand years. Joel or KC, being scolded by drivers downstairs as traffic marshals, won’t feel good, I’m sure. But in a thousand years, when they look back, they will have absolutely no regrets.
The auntie who wakes up 5am, 4am to get here at 5am, chopping vegetables, you tell me she doesn’t want to sleep more? She wants to. Our team cooking right now, they don’t want to sleep. They want to. But I know in a thousand years, they will look back and say, I’m glad I didn’t. I used my freedom to love and to serve others.
That is real freedom, because they believe. They believe that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There are those who follow Moses in their thinking. Moses said to himself, it is far better to suffer the reproach of Christ than to enjoy the riches in Egypt. He had the right mental calculations.
So today, what’s missing in church? UR. Wah, this one not from me lah. I got it from the internet lah. But you are. And you are missing out yourself. I say. Really, you are missing out. I think it’s a tremendous privilege to be able to serve God. It is a privilege to live in true freedom and have the opportunity to do what I will not regret in a thousand years. It is a wonderful privilege. And I say, I say it’s such a pity if so many of you come every Sunday and all you do is kia lai, kia ker, I’m very free. Wah, like VIP. No, you’re not free. You’re still enslaved to your own lusts, desires, comforts, passions.
But those who give themselves up to serve, you are free. Our DG leaders, our CG leaders, it’s not easy, you know? They really have to bear with one another leh. But they are free. If you’re a newcomer in our church and you’re thinking about joining Gospel Light, I hope you join Gospel Light not because we are Gospel Light Country Club. Wah fully air-conditioned, free food downstairs some more. Wah, what else, man? I hope you don’t join this church because you want to be a consumer or a spectator.
Then this is not a very good church for you. We, we don’t want to make decisions so that you are comfortable. But we want to be a church where we hope everyone is a servant and everyone is a contributor.
Maybe some of you are in a retirement age group. You have worked very hard and you say, it’s time for me to kiao ka, relax and just cruise, literally cruise. Go to different countries to cruise. You, you cruise through my life, enjoy, travel all the world and then I die happy, meet Jesus. I tell you, please, please take your holidays. I’m not saying it’s wrong. But I hope that’s not your goal. Because if a thousand years later, you will not look back at these last 20, 30, 40 years and say to yourself, I really lived that life maximally for true freedom. You wouldn’t. I think if you think about things from a thousand years point of view, things would look totally different.
Some of you are at the prime of your life. You have succeeded with regards to the things of this world. Let me ask you, do you really want to keep on the same track for the rest of your life? Would you be really happy in a thousand years to look back and say, I had a chance. I remember Jason told me about something to check my life, but I just bochap, I just carry on lah. Would you, would you really want to? I’m not saying you should quit your jobs. All I’m asking is, have you considered why you do what you do? And is what you are planning to do made in the consideration of God’s will and in the light of eternity? That’s all.
Some of you are young people. I hope you will think about the meaning of life. Not to save my soul because Jesus saves me. Not to satisfy my flesh, but to serve others, especially the people of God. I, I don’t think you can be clearer than this. That we are to serve one another humbly in love. Using our time, our talents, our treasures. Understanding today that we are like a branch abiding in Jesus. And the purpose of the branch is to bear fruit and much fruit, so that in that bearing of fruit, we are proven to be Christ’s disciples and that God is glorified thereby.
That’s what we talk about in our church. We say we want to be a church where people know, grow, go. Know Christ, grow in Christ, go for Christ. Some people ask, what do you mean by know, grow, go? Is it that if I don’t know and if I don’t grow, you will ask me to go? No. I’m saying you need to know Christ and if you do know Christ in a saving relationship, I hope you will grow in Christ. And as you grow in Christ, as you are filled up, your cup is being filled, you can, out of an overflow, go and serve others with your time, your talents, your treasures.
I hope that’s what this church is all about. So, through love, serve one another. My time is running fast. So, let me go to the last verse. Verse 14. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Now, I want you to observe that there are two apparent paradoxes here. The first one is that the whole law is fulfilled in one word. Now, this is a, an apparent paradox because so far, Paul has been speaking about the law in quite a negative light.
But now he seems to talk about the law in a positive light. You see, previously he said, for all who rely on works of the law are under a curse. It is painting the law in a seeming negative light. And then he also says, do not submit again to a yoke of slavery, referring to the law, seeming negative light.
So, why would he now say, the whole law is fulfilled in one word, you shall love your neighbor as yourself, as if the law is a good thing? Well, I tell you the reason why. He says that the law, it seems as if he says that the law is a good thing because the law is indeed a good thing. Okay? The law is good. He is never saying that the law is bad. Paul never says that the law is bad. He only says that trying to use the law to justify yourself is bad.
Think about the knife in your kitchen drawer. Why do you keep a knife in a kitchen drawer? To kill people ah? No lah. You put the knife in a kitchen drawer because the knife is useful, is good. You need a knife. Otherwise, how to eat your steak? But when you use the knife to kill people, it becomes bad.
So, the law is good. Just that you don’t use the law to justify yourself. Otherwise, the law does describe what love looks like. It’s helpful. And when one lives in love, he fulfills the law.
So, what Paul is saying, and I’m saying this is an apparent paradox. It’s not a real paradox at all. He’s saying that whilst we must not obey the law to be justified, when we live in love, we will fulfill the law. So, I think that just, I hope, clarifies for you why there seems to be a change of tone. There isn’t a change of tone. It’s just clarifying the use of the law. That’s all.
A second apparent contradiction or paradox is found in this phrase, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Now, this is very commonly spoken. But here is the dilemma we have. I just want to share with you, first of all, this is a direct quotation from Leviticus 19:18. But there is an apparent contradiction here because how can you be said to love yourself when you are to give yourself up to love and serve others?
Have you thought about that? Love your neighbor as yourself. But if I love my neighbor, it means I have to serve my neighbor, I have to give to my neighbor, I have to sacrifice for my neighbor. And how can I be good to myself? Think about the classic story, Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan has to pay money, you know, has to sacrifice his time, you know, to help the Jew who is robbed.
So if you want to serve others, love others, you’ve got to sacrifice. And if you sacrifice yourself, how can you be said to love yourself? I think the answer is that giving up of yourself, of yourself to serve others is the best way to love yourself. Let me say that again. The giving up of yourself to serve others is the best way to love yourself. Why? Because that is the path to the greatest and longest happiness.
Let me try to prove it to you. In the life of Jesus, Paul said, have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. What did He do?
Jesus emptied Himself by taking the form of a Servant. He was, He is God, fully God, glorious, but He laid aside His glory, emptied Himself, and took on the form of a Servant. He humbled Himself, even death on the cross. He sacrificed Himself. He gave Himself. He emptied Himself, but that is the path to the greatest and longest happiness because Paul also says, therefore God has highly exalted Him. You see that?
It’s in, it’s in that giving of Himself that God therefore exalts Him. That path of sacrifice and service is the path to the longest and greatest happiness. The Hebrew author says similarly, looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, what do we see in Him? Well, we see how He, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despised the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He aimed for that greatest and longest happiness, and therefore He gave Himself to endure the cross and despise the shame.
Remember the, this lady, Mrs. Zebedee, Matthew 20? She’s the mother of James and John, two of the apostles of Jesus. She came to Jesus saying, hey, it’s like every mother during PSLE lah, or every mother asking for the son to be promoted, hey, can you make my son this or that or not?
So she came and asked Jesus, can You make my son the top one or two characters in the whole Kingdom of God? Jesus says, can. But is, are they ready to take up the cup of suffering? And Jesus said, but among you it will be different. The leaders of this world want to live it up in this life, but amongst you, amongst My people, it’s different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.
The greatest and longest happiness belongs not to the one who wants to live it up in this life, but the one who wants to give it up in this life for the sake of Christ.
So, the greatest love you can show to yourself is by giving up yourself for the sake of others today. That’s why there’s no contradiction. Love your neighbour as yourself.
Now I’m not saying that you become irresponsible and neglect your own needs. No, I’m not saying that. But I’m saying the Bible does tell us that if we by faith trust God and do what He wants us to do, we’ll never be the loser. It was Spurgeon who said, the Christian grows rich by his losses, he lives by his dying, and becomes full by being emptied.
So use your love, your neighbour, as yourself. I have actually a lot of slides, but I think I will not cover them at all because they’re not necessary. They are not related to the text so intimately, but I end off with this thought. I just want to challenge you. I don’t want our church to be a church where we are very familiar with verses, quote here and there, but we never get to do it. We never do it. You never do it.
So take this time. Think about your life. Are you the empty cup? Or are you the person who wants to drink yourself? Or are you that channel where water is constantly flowed in, poured into your cup and your cup overflows into other people’s cups? I think God’s grace is sufficient for our needs. As we give ourselves to others, we trust Him to provide. Let’s bow for a word of prayer together.
To all my friends, guests who are here, I want to tell you that the Bible begins with God’s generosity, really. Because every other religion says you’ve got to try to deserve God’s favour. But the stunning, amazing news of the Bible is, no, you don’t. Because you will never be able to do it anyway. Know this. God is love. He loves not because we are lovely. He loves because He is love. And in His love, He has generously decided to send His Son to die for us, to free us from our sins. And He is offering this gift of salvation to anyone who would repent of their sin, of their self-righteousness and believe in Jesus Christ.
So I urge you this morning to realise that Christ has come to set us free. And whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life. You see, God came to serve. And amazingly, He wants to serve you, to lay down His life for you. We pray that you will come to Christ soon.
And I speak to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you staying at home at church or from church? You’re staying at home to be online? Well, you certainly have the freedom to do so. But I say you’re not really free if you do so. Because you’re not doing what God has made you to do. You’re not doing what is going to give you the longest and greatest happiness. I think true wisdom is found in obeying God and His Word. And His Word never fails us.
Today, may God raise in this church a whole army of servants who would serve one another, who would recognise we are not very nice. But we need one another. And we will serve one another. And when we do so, the world will know we are His disciples. And we will be built up in the faith. We’ll be strong in Christ. We would be a body to behold.
So my friends, think, pray, consider. Ministry does not always need to be formal like usher, marshals, Sunday school teachers. It can be, but it can be more than that. It can be seeing needs, reaching out to someone who is lonely, encouraging a brother who has not been joining, reaching out to those who are backsliding, discipling those who are hungry. It can look a lot more than just what you see on Sunday.
But step up and use that freedom to serve. For you are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. So Father, bless Your church. Thank You Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us. And may we love as He loved. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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