Numbers 15 represents a fresh start for Israel. Despite how they have repeatedly rebelled against God (10x since the Exodus), God still promised the Land to their posterity. In this upcoming new year in 2025, let us remember the word about:
1. Grace
God is a God of grace- He is not good to good people only, for there is none good before Him. He is good to undeserving sinners. Sinners can come to God as they are, and saints can approach His throne of grace.
2. Giving
Christianity is not just about getting from God. We are also privileged to give to God- not to bribe Him, but to please Him.
3. Guilt
We are to be alert and sensitive to sin. Not to be self-righteous, or self-condemning, for we must stand in the gospel of grace. But we are also to grieve over, confess and repent from our sins.
4. Guidance
Tassels on their garments are to remind them to do God’s will. Let’s spend this year growing deep in His Word and in obedience to Him.
5. God
Ultimately, our faith is to be a relationship with our God.