Master of My Heart
If the Disney princess’s motivation could be captured in a phrase, it would likely be, ‘follow your heart’. Whether it was Belle’s dream of escape from her sleepy village or Ariel’s desire to be free of the watery bonds of mermaid existence, every princess wants to pursue her heart and break the bonds imposed by society. In the movie Frozen however, Disney introduces a paradox that this motivation comes with consequences.
In Frozen, Elsa soon realizes the choice to follow her heart, expressed in her song, ‘Let it Go”, only separates. Her palace of ice becomes a prison of isolation from the ones who truly love her. By reaching for her own happiness, she ultimately finds herself separated from real love. This parallels with the cost of following our hearts in search of happiness apart from God. Allowing our lives to be mastered by our hearts, can only lead to ultimate separation from God’s love.
To ‘follow your heart’ has a benevolent tone to it, as it seems to speak of the goodness of the heart’s voice and the necessity to follow it. To the world, denying the call of our hearts can appear foolish, and to embrace it would be applauded. But the Bible teaches that the heart, is the place where emotions and desires begin. The problem is that our hearts are not healthy but are in dire need of a transplant. (Eze. 36:26) The voice of our hearts are not in essence good, but really the source of all forms of evil. (Mk. 7:21-23) The true condition of the heart, is that it is devious and undependable. A spiritual organ that has been mastered by sin. (Jer. 17:9) Jesus warned that where our treasure is, our heart will be also. And since our hearts seek self-fulfilment, possessions and pleasures, following to our hearts will take our souls down a path of worldliness and alienation from God. (Mat. 16:26)
At the last supper, the disciples were frozen with fear after their Master spoke of His imminent death. But turning to them, he strengthens them saying courage can be found, not in following their hearts, but by entrusting their hearts to be led by Him. “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me” (John 14:1) We should not be mastered by our hearts. Our hearts need a master in Jesus.