Gospel Light Christian Church

Care Groups

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Care Groups

“We are not called to be spectators in a church service, but we are a family in Christ.” – Pastor Jason.

The Christian journey is personal, but not private. We need one another in our journey with Jesus. At Gospel Light, we want to help you get connected to the encouragement, love, care, and support of the church family through our Care Groups. Made up of men and women from different generations of life, these groups meet regularly for fellowship, prayer, accountability, and study of the word.

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Care Groups are a place where we meet to live out our call to consider others before ourselves. No group is perfect or identical to another, but they are all united in their pursuit of being an Acts Church of Today. Come and experience the warmth and friendship with God’s people.

Care Groups

Join a Care Groups

If you are interested in joining a care group, please fill up this form by clicking below.

Care Groups

Shepherding Structure

Find out about our shepherding structure, where our care groups meet and who our leaders are.

Care Groups

Care Groups Philosophy

Learn about our Care Group philosophy in this article.

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